Business 18 June 2018

Confidence Restored – I’m a CEO

The Queensland Fitness, Sport and Recreation, Skills Alliance is a peak body for workforce development in this sector and operates a number of programs from its base in Milton. ACE Community Colleges Burleigh and the QFSR have recently joined together to assist inner-city Brisbane community members, especially mums returning to the workforce, to reach out to new career goals (and achieve them with brand new skills).

The students have been working amazing hard on their studies and have also been receiving some interview coaching from our trainer (Therese). Team you all look so polished, professional and accomplished (that’s the crew in the photo).

The great news is the first group of students are now finished and about to receive their Certificate II in Business.

This is what Tiina had to say about the experience: “I also wanted to convey how this course has helped restore my confidence, to evaluate my career path, assist me in the setting up of a new business and provided skills which were either dormant or lacking, so a big thanks there as well. In saying that I am now the CEO of our family business!”

Now that friends is changing your world in action. Team we can’t wait to hear more about your success.


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